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Ukrainian Air Force showcases combat operations against Russian targets

Ukrainian Air Force showcases combat operations against Russian targets Archival photo: combat work of Ukrainian pilots (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian pilots are actively striking Russian targets on land and in the air, and with the arrival of Western aircraft to all brigades, this work will be much more effective, according to Mykola Oleshchuk, commander of the Ukrainian Air Force.

The Ukrainian Air Force pilots continue to carry out dangerous missions and tasks - destroying Russian targets in the air and striking Russian ground targets.

"The video shows the combat work of the pilots of the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade of the Center Air Command," Oleshchuk writes.

The commander is convinced that with the arrival of Western aircraft to all tactical aviation brigades of the Air Force, this work will be much more effective.

Oleshchuk emphasizes that Ukrainian pilots are currently squeezing the best out of the Soviet-made equipment they have in service. The ground staff keeps these aircraft in combat-ready condition and does everything to keep them out of Russian sight. Oleshchuk also thanked the pilots for their courage and heroism.

Ukraine awaits delivery of Western aircraft

Currently, the Ukrainian army has Soviet-style aircraft at its disposal, but during Russia's full-scale invasion, Western countries decided to help Ukraine by supplying it with new fighter jets.

Currently, the delivery of F-16s is expected. Today, Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson Illia Yevlash said that Ukraine expects the training of pilots who have already completed the required number of hours.