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Ukrainian air defense intercepted all Shahed drones launched by Russian forces at Kyiv

Ukrainian air defense intercepted all Shahed drones launched by Russian forces at Kyiv Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces mobile firing group (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Ukrainian air defense forces neutralized all Shahed-type kamikaze drones used by Russia in attacks on Kyiv during the night. There are no reports of destruction or casualties in the city, according to the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration Serhii Popko.

An official noted that Russian Shaheds approached the capital on the night of September 30 in waves and from different directions.

"This marks the fourth aerial attack on Kyiv! As in previous assaults, the enemy again deployed strike drones, specifically those resembling the Shahed," reported the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration.

Overall, the air raid alert in the capital lasted for over five hours.

"With the forces and means of air defense, all Russian strike drones that threatened Kyiv were neutralized," Serhii Popko stated, adding that the exact number and type of Russian drones would be reported by the Ukrainian Air Force.

"Preliminary reports indicate no destruction or casualties in the city," the official said, reminding citizens of the importance of seeking shelter during air raid alerts.

Nighttime air attack

Last night, Russian troops launched a combined air attack on Ukraine, employing kamikaze drones, missile weapons, and aerial bombs.

On the evening of September 29, Russians launched strike drones of the Shahed type, leading to an air raid alert in several regions.

After midnight, sirens warning of potential enemy air attacks sounded in Kyiv due to the approaching kamikaze drones.

Subsequently, reports emerged of air defense operations in Kyiv, where explosions were also heard. Defensive operations continued in the Kyiv region as Shaheds were detected in the area.

Additionally, explosions were reported in Kryvyi Rih during the night, following the launch of ballistic missiles by Russian troops against the city.