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Ukraine wins two more gold medals at 2024 Paralympics

Ukraine wins two more gold medals at 2024 Paralympics Photo: Ihor Tsvietov, Ukrainian sprinter (

Ukrainian athletes won two gold medals today, September 2, at the Paralympics in France. Ukraine now has a total of five gold medals, according to the results of the competition.

Two medals for swimmers

Ukrainian swimmers Denys Ostapchenko and Serhii Palamarchuk won two medals in the 50-meter backstroke in the S3 class (for athletes with minimal coordination impairment in the upper torso and arms, severe impairment of the rest of the torso and legs, or minor overall impairment and missing limbs).

Ostapchenko finished in 45.16 seconds, while Palamarchuk finished in 50.48 seconds. The second place went to German swimmer Josiah Tim Alexander Topf with a time of 47.06 seconds.

It is worth noting that this is Ostapchenko's second gold medal at the Paralympic Games. His first gold was earned during the Tokyo Olympics in the 200-meter freestyle final.

Sprinter's medal

Ukrainian athlete Ihor Tsvietov took first place in the 100-meter race in the T35 class (for athletes with moderate leg impairment or minor movement and coordination issues in the torso and arms).

Tsvietov finished with a time of 11.43 seconds, ahead of two Russian athletes competing under a neutral status, who finished in 11.70 seconds and 11.79 seconds, respectively.

This is Tsvietov's third gold medal. He won two previous gold medals at the 2016 Paralympics.

What preceded

It is worth noting that Ukraine has been performing quite successfully at the 2024 Paralympics. Ukrainian athletes have already won 33 medals, placing the country 10th in the medal standings.