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Ukraine to provide humanitarian aid to Czechia for flood recovery - Zelenskyy's decree

Ukraine to provide humanitarian aid to Czechia for flood recovery - Zelenskyy's decree Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Ukraine will assist the Czech Republic in overcoming the aftermath of a major flood. The disaster was caused by a cyclone and heavy rainfall that struck several European countries in September, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's decree.

The document was published on Monday, October 7.

According to the decree, the president ordered humanitarian aid to be provided to the Czech Republic "to assist in overcoming the emergency situation in the Czech Republic caused by the flooding, following Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Humanitarian Aid.'"

The document specifies that the government is responsible for delivering this aid.

However, it does not clarify what the aid will include, how much it will cost, or when it will be delivered.

Україна надасть гумдопомогу Чехії для подолання наслідків повені: указ Зеленського

President Zelenskyy's decree on providing humanitarian aid to the Czech Republic (photo:

What preceded

In mid-September, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha stated that Ukraine had assisted several European countries affected by the severe flooding.

The official noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had offered assistance to the following states on behalf of the president and under the coordination of the prime minister:

  • Moldova,
  • Poland,
  • Romania,
  • Slovakia,
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic.

Earlier reports indicated that Ukraine had agreed to help the Czech Republic address the consequences of the floods.

On September 15, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk expressed gratitude to Ukraine for the offer of assistance.

As previously reported, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary were among the countries most affected by the September floods in Europe. At least eight people were killed due to the severe weather.