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Ukraine's victory plan includes invitation to NATO, Zelenskyy's Office says

Ukraine's victory plan includes invitation to NATO, Zelenskyy's Office says Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak (

Ukraine's victory plan contains a clear vision of the steps to ensure a just and lasting peace. Among other things, it provides for an invitation to NATO, says the head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

As Yermak explained, the victory plan consists of a military and diplomatic part. The Ukrainian forces must have an advantage on the battlefield to force Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop hostilities.

“We are trying very hard. Without ships, we have destroyed the Black Sea Fleet. Without air superiority, we have stopped the Russian advance in most directions, including Kharkiv. Without fear, we brought the war back to Russia,” he said, adding that since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukraine has also increased weapons production six times, but still does not have everything it needs.

Yermak calls on partners to increase investment in the production of Ukrainian weapons and stresses how important is to grant Ukraine permission to strike targets on the territory of Russia and use frozen Russian assets to support the Ukrainian state.

He also adds that inviting Ukraine to NATO is part of the plan and advised partners to stop ignoring Russia's threats of escalation.

Plan for Ukraine's victory

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently announced that this month he would present a plan for Ukraine's victory to United States President Joe Biden, as well as presidential candidates Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris. It will help Kyiv to assess whether its allies are ready to support Ukraine in achieving victory.

The Kremlin says Russia will study Ukraine's victory plan as soon as it appears in official sources.