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Ukraine's Parliament terminates two more agreements with Russia: details

Ukraine's Parliament terminates two more agreements with Russia: details Ukraine's Parliament terminates two more agreements with Russia (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine officially terminated two agreements with Russia on August 10. The agreements pertained to investment protection and collaboration in the field of plant quarantine, according to Ukrainian Parliament's official website.

Investment agreement

The objective of this law is to fulfill domestic procedures required for the discontinuation of the agreement between the governments of Ukraine and Russia. This agreement, which was signed in Moscow in 1998, aimed to promote mutual investment protection.

Plant quarantine agreement

Additionally, a pact between the governments of Ukraine and Russia concerning plant quarantine cooperation has also been severed. Signed in Moscow in 2011 and separately ratified by Ukraine in 2012, this agreement underscored the importance of collaboration in preventing the import and spread of quarantine pests. It also facilitated the coordination of state phytosanitary measures.

Cancellation of agreements

Ukraine has been systematically working towards canceling agreements and treaties previously established with Russia, especially in the wake of a large-scale invasion. Just this year, the Ukrainian government has ceased the effect of agreements pertaining to:

  1. Cooperation and interaction in the development of border crossing points along the Ukrainian-Russian state border.
  2. Collaboration in the field of aviation search and rescue.
  3. Cooperation in the realm of research and peaceful use of outer space.
  4. Air connection and cooperation in the aviation transport sector.
  5. Principles of cooperation in aviation equipment production and supply.
  6. Mutual establishment of branches of the Trade and Economic Mission.

Earlier, Ruslan Stefanchuk, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, stated that Ukraine cannot terminate all previously established agreements with Russia and Belarus, as there are a number of agreements that should remain intact, particularly those concerning human rights.