Ukraine's intelligence attacks over-the-horizon radar Container in Mordovia

Ukrainian intelligence operatives attacked the Russian over-the-horizon radar Container in Mordovia using drones, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources in the special services.
The operation was conducted by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.
Drones targeted the 590th separate radio-technical unit of military unit 84680, located in the Russian city of Kovylkino in Mordovia.
The distance from the Ukrainian border to the strike location is approximately 680 kilometers.
The target of attack
The target of the special operation was the 29B6 Container over-the-horizon radar. The detection range of the installation is 3,000 km, and the detection altitude is 100 km.
Over-the-horizon radar 29B6 Container is part of the air and space attack reconnaissance and warning system. The first version of the Container radar was constructed in Mordovia between 2000 and 2002.
Kovylkino hosts the receiving and main equipment parts of the radar station. The emitting antenna part of the station is located in another populated area.
The radar station in Kovylkino's receiving antenna system consists of 144 antenna-feeder reflectors, 34 meters high, 1300 meters long, and 200 meters deep.
Ukrainian intelligence's drones attack over-the-horizon radar Container in Mordovia (Photo: armyinform-com-ua)
On the night of April 11, Russian media reported an attack on the over-the-horizon detection radar in Kovylkino, Mordovia. Reports suggested damage to the building where the command post was previously located.
At that time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that three drones were shot down over the Kursk and Tambov regions, two each over the Belgorod region and Mordovia, and one each over the Bryansk and Lipetsk regions.