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Ukraine's General Staff confirms night strikes on Russia: Refineries, Shahed storage sites targeted

Ukraine's General Staff confirms night strikes on Russia: Refineries, Shahed storage sites targeted Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

In recent days, the Ukrainian forces have carried out a series of successful strikes on important facilities within Russia. They targeted oil refineries, Shahed storage facilities, and more, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Night of June 20

Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Security Service of Ukraine hit:

  • Russian fuel and oil depot in the Tambov region;
  • Enemskaya oil depot in the Republic of Adygea.

At least five explosions were recorded in the area of the oil depot. After that, a fire broke out there.

It was confirmed that at least one container with oil products was damaged during the strike on the fuel and oil warehouse in the Tambov region.

Night of June 21

Drones attacked the Afipsky, Ilsky, Krasnodar, and Astrakhan oil refineries.

Radar stations and radar reconnaissance centers of Russian troops in the Bryansk region and the temporarily occupied Crimea were hit.

There were also hits in the Krasnodar region overnight:

  • places of storage of Shahed-136;
  • training buildings, control, and communication centers for Shahed units.

The strike resulted in a series of explosions and a fire with subsequent detonation.

"The Defense Forces continue to take all measures to undermine the military and economic potential of the Russian occupiers and stop Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine," the General Staff added.