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Ukraine's drones attack Russian oil depots in Tambov region and Adygea Republic, sources

Ukraine's drones attack Russian oil depots in Tambov region and Adygea Republic, sources Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Drones of the Security Service of Ukraine successfully attacked Russian oil depots in the Tambov region and the Republic of Adygea overnight, report RBC-Ukraine sources.

According to the sources, SSU drones continue to reduce Russian economic and military potential to wage war against Ukraine. At night, the following facilities were hit:

  • the fuel and oils warehouse of Tambovnefteprodukt JSC;
  • the Enemskaya and LUKOIL-Yugnefteprodukt oil depots.

These facilities processed and stored raw materials and finished products. The products, in turn, were used by the Russian military.

After the successful strikes, fires broke out at both facilities.

Why strikes on oil depots are important

As the sources explained, the strikes help reduce the resources that Russia can use to wage war, as Russia is also forced to spend money on restoring its own infrastructure, which puts additional pressure on its budget, already burdened by sanctions restrictions.

In total, SSU drones have already carried out nearly three dozen successful attacks on Russian oil facilities throughout the country.

Attacks on refineries

Explosions have been heard more and more frequently at Russian oil refineries recently. The reason is Ukraine's drone attacks. In mid-May, the SSU and the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense attacked a seaport, refinery, oil terminal, and power substation in Sevastopol, Tuapse, and Novorossiysk with more than a hundred drones.