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Ukraine's EU accession will strengthen security and bolster foreign policy - MFA

Ukraine's EU accession will strengthen security and bolster foreign policy - MFA Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba (Getty Images)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, believes that the European Union can become stronger after Ukraine's accession, as he says during a speech in Berlin.

According to Kuleba, Ukraine is making significant efforts and achieving tangible results in the country's reform. Reforms are important for the society and make Ukraine stronger and more resilient.

"Ukraine's accession to the European Union will mean strengthening the security of Europe, not weakening it. Ukraine will be an added value, not a burden for the EU. Russia's aggression against Ukraine has shown that the EU can be strong and act decisively, but EU reforms should not demotivate new member countries or delay their accession," the minister said.

He notes that the enlargement process should not become a hostage to internal EU reforms. Internal reform of the bloc and electoral processes in individual countries should not affect the dynamics of negotiations on the accession of new member states.

"Ukrainians currently have the highest optimism about the European project itself; they are committed to European values and principles. We must not miss this historical moment and unprecedented level of support. We need to use this potential to bring more positive changes to the EU," Kuleba believes.

The head of the Ukrainian MFA adds that the first beneficiaries of the enlargement will be the EU citizens themselves, as it will strengthen the capabilities of the common market, human rights, and the rule of law, making the EU a stronger player on the world stage.

Earlier, Kuleba announced news about Ukraine's accession to the EU. According to him, Ukraine can expect good news by the end of the week.

At the end of September, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal stated that the country was completing the implementation of all European Commission recommendations at the government level.