Ukraine's another step towards integration into EU energy market

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) has approved the Ukrainian operator NEC Ukrenergo as a full member, according to the Ukrenergo press service.
"As of January 1, 2024, Ukrenergo will become the 40th member of the organization," the statement said.
The press service noted that the integration of Ukraine's Unified Energy System (UES) into European networks began in 2002. The full-scale invasion by Russia expedited the unification of Ukraine's UES with European electrical networks. A decision was made to expedite disconnection from the energy systems of Russia and Belarus and synchronize with European networks (ENTSO-E), a year ahead of schedule.
"The membership acquisition by the Ukrainian system operator in ENTSO-E is a significant step for Ukraine's energy sector, as it will contribute to strengthening the energy system, ensuring its reliability, especially in times of war and hostile attacks on the energy infrastructure," said Ukrenergo.
ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) is an organization that brings together operators of electricity transmission systems in Europe. ENTSO-E's main goal is to ensure the reliability and efficiency of European electricity transmission systems.
Countries in the European Union and those with connections to the European electricity transmission system cooperate through ENTSO-E to ensure stability and coordination of electricity transmission management. ENTSO-E serves as a forum for discussion and decision-making on electricity transmission issues, and it develops standards and recommendations for transmission system operators.
One of ENTSO-E's key functions is the development and support of various plans for the development of European electricity transmission infrastructure, ensuring a high level of reliability and efficiency in Europe's energy system.
In late February 2022, Ukraine disconnected from the Russian system and joined the European energy system ENTSO-E.