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Ukraine raises $26 million to restore Okhmatdyt children's hospital damaged in Russian attack

Ukraine raises $26 million to restore Okhmatdyt children's hospital damaged in Russian attack Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine has raised more than UAH 1 billion ($26 million) to rebuild the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv, which was damaged by a Russian missile strike on July 8, says Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko at a briefing, as RBC-Ukraine correspondent reports.

According to Liashko, the following amounts were received:

  • UAH 312 million ($7.5 million) to the charity account of the Okhmatdyt hospital itself.
  • UAH 378 million ($9 million) to the hospital's charity fund.
  • UAH 320 million ($7.7 million) through the United24 platform.
  • UAH 100 million ($2.4 million) the government allocated from the reserve fund.
  • $1 million allocated by the Lithuanian government
  • $11.2 million from American businessman and philanthropist Howard Buffett (supplying equipment for this amount, not funds to the account).

The German government has also announced its intention to allocate €10 million.

Missile attack on Okhmatdyt

On July 8, Russia launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine. Russian troops attacked Kyiv, hitting the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.

As a result of the Russian attack, two people were killed and 32 wounded sought medical care. Eight children were hospitalized with injuries.

The very next day, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to start restoring the Okhmatdyt building as soon as possible, allocating UAH 100 million.