Polish farmers to extend strike at Ukraine's Shehyni checkpoint

Organizer of the blockade Roman Kondrow stated, that Polish farmers have pledged to keep blocking the "Medyka-Shehyni" checkpoint on the Ukraine border until January, according to Wiadomosci Rolnicze Polska.
He expressed concern that farmers incur a loss of two thousand zlotys per hectare of corn due to selling it at a low price, competing with Ukrainian agricultural products.
Kondrow emphasized that one of the farmers' demands is that the Polish government refrains from increasing land taxes.
"We stand in solidarity with the transporters, who have suffered the most damage," he added, specifying that the blockade at the "Medyka-Shehyni" checkpoint will continue from Monday, November 27, to January 3.
Kondrow clarified that only two trucks per day will be allowed, and all humanitarian aid will proceed to Ukraine without restrictions.
What preceded
As a reminder, Polish carriers had previously blockaded three checkpoints on the Ukraine border, demanding the restoration of the permit system in our country as a condition to end their strike.
Today, on November 23, it was reported that they, in collaboration with farmers, extended their blockade to the fourth checkpoint - "Medyka-Shehyni." Initially, the action at this checkpoint was intended to last until Saturday, November 25.