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Ukraine launched more attack drones than Russia in July, - Forbes

Ukraine launched more attack drones than Russia in July, - Forbes Illustrative photo: Ukraine launched more attack drones than Russia in July (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In July 2024, Ukraine launched almost a hundred more attack drones than Russia, according to Forbes.

In July, Russia launched 426 Shahed-type drones over Ukrainian territory. During the same period, Ukraine retaliated by deploying more than 520 drones.

It is noted that Ukrainian drones inflict greater economic damage on Russian oil refineries and other facilities, as Russia has weaker defenses. This could give Ukraine an advantage in strategic long-range drone warfare.

Additionally, it is mentioned that in the first months of the full-scale invasion, Russia used most of its stockpile of long-range ballistic and cruise missiles. Although production has increased since then, Russia is likely launching missiles at about the same rate as they are being produced—approximately 120 missiles per month. However, the majority of Russia’s long-range strike force now consists of drones.

Russia's main weapon is the Iranian-developed Shahed drones, known in Russia as Geran, which are easy to produce and cost only $20,000, compared to a million dollars or more for a missile.

Drone attacks in Russia

Recently, Russia has been facing numerous drone attacks that have caused significant damage to infrastructure. Drones are being used for targeted strikes on military objects, depots, and other strategically important locations.

In some cases, these attacks have caused fires, explosions, and other forms of destruction. This has put considerable pressure on Russia's air defense system and forced Russian authorities to reassess their approaches to protecting their facilities.

Recently, reports have emerged that Russia has begun using two new types of unmanned aerial vehicles. These new drones are made from foam and plywood and are equipped with a camera and a SIM card from a Ukrainian mobile operator. This setup allows the transmission of data and images to Russian military forces.

At the same time, Ukraine has recently increased the production of domestically-made drones. Ukrainian reconnaissance men have already carried out strikes on military targets within Russia using their drones.

For example, on the night of July 27, Russians reported on drone attacks in the Bryansk and Kursk regions.