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'Ukraine is not violating our policy': US State Department comments on battles in Kursk region

'Ukraine is not violating our policy': US State Department comments on battles in Kursk region Photo: Matthew Miller, US State Department spokesperson (Getty Images)

Ukraine did not notify the US about the operation in the Kursk region. At the same time, Washington's policy was not violated, according to a briefing by US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

He explained that the US is in contact with Ukraine regarding the events in the Kursk region.

Journalists also asked him whether Kyiv had informed the US about its intentions.

"No. But it's not unusual for the Ukrainians not to notify us of their exact tactics before they execute them," Miller replied.

He added that the US provides Ukraine with weapons and advice, "but when it comes to day-by-day tactics that they carry out, the day-by-day strikes," sometimes there is no communication, "and it's appropriate for them to make those decisions."

Miller was then asked whether Ukraine could use American weapons in the Kursk region.

"Nothing about our policy has changed and with the actions that they are taking today, they are not in violation of our policy," emphasized the State Department spokesperson.

What preceded

It should be noted that fighting has been ongoing in the Kursk region for the second day. Russians are accusing Ukrainian forces of a breach of the border. This information has already been reported at the official level in Russia.

In turn, Ukraine has not yet provided any comments on these events.

Meanwhile, John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House National Security Council, stated that American officials will contact their Ukrainian counterparts to "better understand" what is happening in the Kursk region.

For more details on the situation in the Russian region bordering Ukraine, see the RBC-Ukraine report.