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Ukraine fights for our peaceful life - Speaker of Latvian Saeima

Ukraine fights for our peaceful life - Speaker of Latvian Saeima Speaker of the Latvian parliament makes a statement about the war in Ukraine (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine is fighting for a peaceful life in Western countries. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the provision of assistance to Ukraine, states the Speaker of the Latvian parliament (Saeima), Daiga Mieriņa.

"Ukraine is fighting for us to have a peaceful life, for our children to go to school and study there, for us to go to work and do our business. Ukrainians are paying a high price for us to have these opportunities. That's why I want to emphasize that the war for Ukraine is a struggle for peace in the whole world," she said.

The politician emphasized that the EU should help Ukraine even more, especially by providing military support. According to her, many large European countries have stepped up and changed their attitude, particularly concerning the transfer of missiles and other weapons.

Mieriņa also believes that sanctions should be imposed to hold Russians accountable for war crimes and confiscate Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine. According to her, it is necessary to convey to everyone that the threat of expanding Russian aggression is real.

"For many years we have been warning European countries and other countries of the world that Russia poses a threat of aggression. Putin has always used force to achieve his goals," the speaker said.

Mieriņa mentions the war in Chechnya, the invasion of Georgia, and the illegal annexation of Crimea. She believes that Russia's impunity leads to the fact that Moscow feels that it can dictate the world order.

"Russia is compared to cancer, but we are sure that Russia is worse than cancer. Russia's tentacles are spreading all over the world. Russian citizens live everywhere and spread chaos," she said.

Help from the Baltic States

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are among the leaders in helping Ukraine. They have provided military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine and have taken in thousands of refugees.

On February 3, Estonia handed over a new military aid package to Ukraine. It includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, machine guns, small arms ammunition, various land and water vehicles, and diving equipment.