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Ukraine deploys reserves to the Lyman-Kupiansk direction to deter Russians

Ukraine deploys reserves to the Lyman-Kupiansk direction to deter Russians Serhiy Cherevatyi, spokesman for the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (
Author: Maria Kholina

According to Serhii Cherevatyi, Spokesperson of the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian forces have bolstered their positions and deployed reserves to the Lyman-Kupiansk sector, aiming to impede the advance of Russian occupiers.

Cherevatyi noted that the Lyman-Kupiansk sector remained under the constant oversight of the commanding officer. He personally visited all key brigades responsible for ensuring steadfast defense in the region.

"Clear and direct orders were issued for constructing layered defenses. Our firing positions were reinforced, specific methodological recommendations were provided, and reserves were shifted. This allowed us to thwart enemy movement," Cherevatyi said.

Frontline situation

Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Maliar said that the east has witnessed a decrease in enemy shelling and attacks, as Ukrainian forces dealt a significant blow to the occupiers when they intensified their efforts along the Kupiansk and Lyman directions. Currently, the Russians are engaged in regrouping and recovery.

Ukrainian defenders continue their offensive operations in the Bakhmut, Melitopol, and Berdiansk directions. They have achieved success in the Urozhaine direction and are consolidating their positions along attained frontiers.

Furthermore, Maliar disclosed that the Russians do not plan to enter Avdiivka. Instead, they seek to encircle the city and progress towards the full occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.