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Ukraine concerned by Russia’s destabilizing activities in several African countries - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

Ukraine concerned by Russia’s destabilizing activities in several African countries - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine is deeply concerned about Russia's ongoing illegal activities aimed at expanding its spheres of influence through the so-called Africa Corps and Russian private military companies in several African countries, according to Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Russian mercenaries are causing irreparable harm to the stability and security of African countries, fueling internal contradictions and conflicts, causing an increase in human losses, engaging in illegal mining and expropriation of valuable natural resources in these states to finance Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine," the statement reads.

The MFA noted that individuals from African and Middle Eastern countries, whom Russia bounces or coerces into fighting against Ukraine, are regularly captured by Ukrainian forces.

"We call on these foreign nationals to avoid joining the Russian army by all means possible, and if sent to the front, to use the I Want to Live project, voluntarily surrender to Ukraine’s Defense Forces, and save their lives," the Ministry added.

The MFA strongly condemned Russia’s cynical use of African and Arab citizens as mercenaries, whom the Kremlin regime ruthlessly exploits as cannon fodder in battles against Ukraine's Defense Forces.

"We urge the governments of friendly African and Middle Eastern countries to publicly condemn Russia's actions and take all possible measures to end this criminal practice," the Ministry emphasized.

Russia’s recruitment of foreign nationals for the war against Ukraine

In June, British intelligence reported that Russia had intensified its recruitment of prisoners in Africa. This campaign was initiated because Russia had exhausted its resource of prisoners and President Vladimir Putin was reluctant to declare mobilization.

Additionally, reports emerged that Russia threatens migrants and foreign students with deportation if they refuse to join the army and fight in the war against Ukraine.

Earlier, it was also reported that Russia recruited tens of thousands of mercenaries from Africa and Asia. Russia also brings mercenaries from Cuba and Nepal to temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories.

For more details on how Russia is recruiting foreign nationals to fight in Ukraine, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.