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Ukraine and Russia to exchange 115 prisoners with UAE's help - Reuters

Ukraine and Russia to exchange 115 prisoners with UAE's help - Reuters Photo: Russian prisoners of war in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

Ukraine and Russia are set to exchange 115 prisoners through the mediation of the United Arab Emirates today, August 24, reports Reuters.

An official representative of the United Arab Emirates has provided information about the prisoner exchange.

It is noted that this will be the first prisoner exchange between the countries since the beginning of the Ukrainian military offensive in the Kursk region on August 6.

Russian and Ukrainian officials have not yet commented on the potential exchange.

Prisoner exchange

Recall that during the fighting in the Kursk region, Ukrainian forces have been actively capturing Russian occupiers to increase their exchange stockpile.

According to The Washington Post, Ukrainian troops have managed to capture at least 250 Russian conscripts during their operation in the Kursk region.

Recently, during a special operation, the Security Service of Ukraine captured over 100 Russian occupiers. More details are available in the RBC-Ukraine report.

Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets stated that his Russian counterpart, Tatyana Moskalkova, initiated negotiations on the prisoner exchange amid the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region.