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Ukraine and Poland to meet in Warsaw over border blockade

Ukraine and Poland to meet in Warsaw over border blockade Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Getty Images)

Ukraine and Poland will meet in Warsaw to resolve the issue of the border blockade, which has been ongoing for nearly two weeks. The meeting will take place on March 28, according to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Polskie Radio 24 reports.

"On March 28, there will be a meeting with the Ukrainian government in Warsaw," he said.

According to him, the Polish government "will seek protective solutions for Polish farmers," using both internal methods and by using national funds, as well as through further negotiations with Ukraine and the EU.

"Polish farmers can count on me," assured the Prime Minister.

Tusk adds that the government seeks to establish a line of compromise and agreement with the protesting farmers, which would satisfy them and end the protests.

The head of the Polish government notes that "we cannot allow those who openly and actively serve Putin's propaganda to exploit the protest of farmers on the border with Ukraine, any such support for Putin's narrative is state treason, and we will not tolerate it."

At the same time, Tusk also called for separating both issues in internal and international discussions, that is, unquestionable support for Ukraine and protection of Polish farmers and the Polish market from the negative consequences of trade liberalization with Ukraine.

Ukraine-Poland border blockade

On February 9, Polish farmers blocked again three border crossings with Ukraine, complicating the movement of trucks and trains. At the moment, six directions on the border with Ukraine remain blocked. Several thousand trucks are standing in line on the territory of Poland. The State Border Guard Service previously did not deny that Polish farmers were not allowing humanitarian aid to pass.

On February 21, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Tusk and Duda with a proposal to meet at the border. In turn, Duda's representatives say that they support the idea of a meeting but are not ready to answer whether the president will attend or if this meeting will take place at the border.

The Polish government will negotiate with farmers on Monday, February 26. If the negotiations take place, it will be a precedent that has not happened in 30 years.