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Ukraine aims to meet all the conditions to start EU membership negotiations this year, MFA

Ukraine aims to meet all the conditions to start EU membership negotiations this year, MFA Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Ukrainian government aims to fulfill all the conditions set by the European Commission and initiate negotiations for European Union membership by the end of this year, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba.

During an online lecture on the future of Europe at the Menéndez Pelayo International University, the Minister emphasized that the European Union is a "liberal empire" that needs to grow stronger in order to succeed in the global power game.

According to Kuleba, the EU currently requires "new strengths and muscles," and the "fatigue from expansion" should give way to robust global ambitions.

"Since February 2022, the EU as a whole as well as individual member states have repeatedly shown such ambitions, including when they granted candidate status to Ukraine for EU membership. Currently, Ukrainians are simultaneously engaged in conflict and internal transformations. Ukraine is committed to fulfilling all tasks outlined by the European Commission and opening negotiations for EU accession this year," stated the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He clarifies that a strong European Union is not included in the plans of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin leader wants the bloc to be in chaos, conflicts, and paralyzed by uncertainty.

Ukraine's EU membership

In 2022, Ukraine obtained candidate status for EU accession. Subsequently, a series of conditions were set, compliance with which is mandatory for membership.

The accession process involves negotiations between Ukraine and the EU. Ukrainian officials anticipate that these negotiations will commence this year.

As of June of this year, Ukraine has completed 2 out of 7 necessary conditions for the start of negotiations.