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Ukraine aims to hold second peace summit by year-end and engage Russia - Ambassador

Ukraine aims to hold second peace summit by year-end and engage Russia - Ambassador Photo: Vasyl Bodnar, Ambassador of Ukraine to Türkiye (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine hopes to hold the second Peace Summit by the end of this year and aims to involve Russia in the meeting, though this does not imply a bilateral dialogue, stated Ukrainian Ambassador to Türkiye Vasyl Bodnar during a briefing in Ankara.

"One of the most important goals of this summit is to reach a fair peace in Ukraine. We are not talking about a format here in which Ukraine and Russia sit across from each other and Ukraine listens to Russia's demands," Ambassador said.

According to Bodnar, the current strategy is for the international community, together with Ukraine, to develop a list of steps necessary for establishing a just peace, as well as to discuss what demands to place on Russia based on this list.

"This will not be a direct bilateral meeting, it will most likely be in a format where third parties are also involved and (talks) are done via third parties. We hope to hold this summit by the end of the year," Bodnar noted.

The Ambassador also believes that Türkiye, which has maintained warm relations with both Ukraine and Russia during the war, will play an important role in the summit due to its experience in mediating other conflicts.

Second Peace Summit

The Office of the President announced that the second Peace Summit is planned to take place after the completion of work on a joint peace plan, which includes the 10-point Ukrainian peace formula. The meeting was expected to be held by the end of this year. However, Russia has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of participating in the summit.

Meanwhile, Daria Zarivna, an advisor to the head of the Office of the President, noted that the date for the second summit will be set once the thematic conferences, scheduled to conclude by the end of October, are completed.