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U.S. to keep suporting Ukraine, it's in their national security interest - Stoltenberg

U.S. to keep suporting Ukraine, it's in their national security interest - Stoltenberg Photo: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The United States will continue to assist Ukraine as it is in the interest of their national security, states NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg was asked about American assistance to Ukraine and debates on this issue in the U.S. Congress. In response, he stated that it is important for all allies to continue adhering to the decisions jointly made at the Vilnius Summit.

"All Heads of State and Government, all NATO Allies promised to stand by Ukraine, not only because it will be a tragedy for the Ukrainians if President Putin wins but it will be dangerous for us," said the Secretary-General.

He added that the idea is that when authoritarian leaders use military force, violate international law, and invade another country, they get what they want, making the world more dangerous and NATO members more vulnerable.

U.S. will continue to support Ukraine

Stoltenberg believes that in the national security interests of all NATO allies, including the United States, preventing the victory of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in Ukraine is crucial.

"I'm confident that United States will continue to provide support to Ukraine," Stoltenberg said.

He acknowledged Germany's recent actions, which made important statements about increasing support for Ukraine just a few days ago. According to him, other allies have also announced additional support, so he expects the increase in assistance to continue.

U.S. aid package for Ukraine

In October, US President Joe Biden requested Congress to allocate $106 billion in aid to Ukraine and Israel. Of this amount, $61 billion is designated for Ukraine, and $14.3 billion is for Israel.

Recently, the new spokesperson for the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, proposed not combining the new aid to Ukraine and Israel into one package. He wants the House to vote on these initiatives separately.

Recently, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated that U.S. interests could suffer if Congress does not approve the aid package for Ukraine.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently announced that President Joe Biden's request for aid to Ukraine is expected to be considered by the U.S. House of Representatives after Thanksgiving, which falls on November 23.