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U.S. receives information about Russian defense systems supply to Hezbollah

U.S. receives information about Russian defense systems supply to Hezbollah Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The United States has received information that the Lebanese group Hezbollah may have obtained Russian air defense systems, according to The Wall Street Journal.

According to the media, the United States has received information that the Private Military Company Wagner could supply an air defense system to the Lebanese group Hezbollah.

In particular, it concerns the SA-22 system used for anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft guns to intercept aircraft.

According to an American official, Washington has not yet confirmed the fact of the system's shipment. However, the U.S. has already deployed an aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean to try to deter Hezbollah.

Hamas attack on Israel and tensions with Hezbollah

On October 7, Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip attacked the south and center of Israel, launching thousands of rockets and projectiles across the country. Since then, tensions have been rising with Hezbollah, including daily clashes along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Backed by Iran, militants have repeatedly fired rockets at Israeli outposts and forces on the border. According to reports, the United States is considering the possibility of a military response in case of a Hezbollah attack on Israel.

On October 23, the Israel Defense Forces launched a massive attack on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon and struck dozens of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the IDF carried out airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in response to rocket launches towards Israeli territory on the night of October 30.