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Two pilots die as result of plane crash of two Mirage fighters in France

Two pilots die as result of plane crash of two Mirage fighters in France Photo: Two pilots were killed in a plane crash involving two fighter jets in France (illustrative photo by GettyImages)

Yesterday, a plane crash involving two Mirage military aircraft occurred in France. Today, it was confirmed that two pilots died as a result of the fighter jets crash, The Independent reports.

"We learn with sadness the death of Capt Sebastien Mabire and Lt Matthis Laurens in an air accident in a Rafale training mission," said French President Emmanuel Macron.

At the same time, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu reported that one of the pilots had been found alive. He also noted that the search at the crash site is still ongoing.

"We thank our armed forces as well as to the gendarmes mobilized in the search and in securing the area," he added.

Yesterday it was reported that an aircraft crash involving two Mirage military jets occurred in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in France.