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Two Mirage military aircraft crash in France: What is known

Two Mirage military aircraft crash in France: What is known Illustrative photo: Mirage aircraft crashed in France on August 14 (Getty Images)

A plane crash involving two Mirage military aircraft occurred in France. The accident happened in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department, BFMTV channel informs.

According to preliminary information, the plane crash occurred at noon on Wednesday, August 14. However, there has not yet been an official confirmation of the accident from the French government.

Media reports indicate that there have been no casualties announced so far, but "searches for the pilots are being conducted by the departmental gendarmerie group, the departmental fire and rescue service, the National Forestry office, and ADRASEC (the national federation of radio amateurs serving the civil protection service)."

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported on a plane crash that occurred on August 9 in Brazil. All those on board died. Initially, there was information about 62 people on the plane, but it was later revealed that one person missed the flight because they were late.