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Two Lithuanian companies fined for violating sanctions against Russia

Two Lithuanian companies fined for violating sanctions against Russia Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Lithuanian customs have fined two local companies for violating international sanctions against Russia. Each of the firms, registered in Lithuania, received a fine of €10,000, according to Lithuania's customs department.

According to the department, the companies provided services for temporary storage, customs clearance, and customs representation for goods produced by Russian enterprises under sanctions.

Among the banned goods supplied from Russia were technical carbon and isoprene rubber.

EU sanctions against Russia

European Union countries have already adopted 14 packages of sanctions against Russia in response to its aggression in Ukraine. The trade restrictions have also extended to Belarus to prevent sanctions evasion by the Russian regime.

Earlier, Lithuanian customs had recorded a sanctions violation by a company specializing in car exports. This firm, registered in Lithuania, was fined €13.6 million.

Additionally, Lithuania has launched a large-scale investigation into violations of international sanctions and smuggling of goods into Russia. Seven individuals and four companies are under suspicion.