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Trump 'warns' of Third World War if he loses election

Trump 'warns' of Third World War if he loses election Donald Trump (Getty Images)

US presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday that the conflicts in the Middle East could escalate into World War III if he loses the 2024 election, reports Fox News.

Trump made the remark during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Florida.

He told reporters that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is “worse” on Middle East issues and said that Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza could escalate into a broader regional conflict if she replaces Joe Biden.

“We'll see how it goes. But if it all works out, if we win, it'll be very simple. It's all going to work out. And very quickly. If we don't, you're going to end up with major wars in the Middle East. And maybe a third World War. You are closer to a third World War right now than at any time since the Second World War. We've never been so close because we have incompetent people running the country,” Trump said.

These words came amid a diplomatic flare-up between Harris and Netanyahu that followed their meeting on Thursday.

In comments after the meeting, Harris said that she told the Israeli prime minister that she “will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias such as Hamas and Hezbollah.”

“I also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians. And I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there,” she added, calling for an end to the war and the release of all hostages held by Hamas.

Axios reported that Harris's criticism of Israel's behavior in the Gaza war irritated Netanyahu. The PM has repeatedly stated that the fighting must continue until Hamas is eliminated, even if the hostages are released.

Harris and Netanyahu

Harris found a formal excuse to abandon the presidency during the Israeli prime minister's address to Congress - a previously scheduled visit to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority event in Indianapolis.

After her one-on-one meeting with Netanyahu, Harris said she had a “frank and constructive meeting” with the Israeli prime minister. She said she supported Israel's right to defend itself, but also spoke about the massive suffering among the civilian population of Gaza and called on Israel to end the war.

Trump's plans to end Russia's war against Ukraine

During the recent debate with Biden, Trump said that he could have ended the war before he took office. But he called unacceptable Russian leader Vladimir Putin's “offer” that Ukraine should give up four of its regions and its aspirations for NATO membership in exchange for a Russian ceasefire.

Later, Politico, citing two national security experts who support Trump, wrote that Trump was allegedly considering a deal under which NATO would commit not to expand eastward - in particular, into Ukraine and Georgia - and would enter into negotiations with Putin over how much of Ukraine's territory Moscow could take back.

On July 21, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested a possible peace plan of Donald Trump to end the war in Ukraine.