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Trump to accept defeat in presidential election under one condition

Trump to accept defeat in presidential election under one condition Photo: US presidential candidate Donald Trump (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has stated that he will not contest the results of the election if he loses - provided he considers the voting process to be fair, according to CBS.

"I think if I lose, this country will go into a tailspin, the likes of which it's never seen before — the likes of 1929 — but if I do, and it's free and fair, absolutely, I will accept the results," Trump said.

CBS notes, however, that the Republican candidate did not accept the results when he lost the 2020 presidential election to current US President Joe Biden.

During the interview, Trump added that he would not challenge the outcome if he deemed the election to be fair.

"If I see that we had a fair and free election, which I hope to be able to say, but if I see that, I will be — you will never see anybody more honorable than me. I'm an honorable person," Trump said.

In addition, he said, "I think things have been done over the last four-year period that will make this a free and fair election."

It is worth recalling that in an interview with Reuters, Trump said that if he wins, he will offer Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk a position in his administration. Specifically, the Republican would like to see the billionaire in his cabinet or as an advisor if Musk agrees.