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Truck traffic resumes on Ukraine's border with Poland

Truck traffic resumes on Ukraine's border with Poland Illustrative photo: The passage of trucks has been resumed at the Ukrainian-Polish border (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Movement of trucks with Ukrainian registration through border checkpoints with Poland has been resumed, according to the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

The customs service emphasized that truck movement has resumed through the border checkpoints of the Volyn customs office.

The situation is the same at the checkpoints in the area of Lviv customs office.

According to the State Customs Service of Ukraine, truck crossings were resumed after the Polish side resolved issues regarding the entry of trucks with Ukrainian registration into the country.


Earlier on July 1, it was reported that Poland restricted entry of Ukrainian trucks through border checkpoints.

Polish border guards were allowing only those trucks with permits for international freight transport or an ECMT certificate.