ua en ru

Transportation collapse brews in occupied Luhansk - NRC

Transportation collapse brews in occupied Luhansk - NRC Luhansk experiences a severe shortage of public transport drivers (Illustrative photo: Russian media)

In temporarily occupied Luhansk, the problem with public transportation is intensifying due to the mass mobilization of vehicle drivers, reports the National Resistance Center (NRC).

In the city, only a third of the required number of public transport drivers are currently working. The reason is that the rest have been taken to fight in the war. The occupiers still cannot find at least 300 drivers needed for the city routes to operate.

Meanwhile, the local administration is preparing another improvement - an increase in transportation fares. According to them, this is intended to enhance the quality of transportation services.

However, residents do not believe this. In their opinion, raising prices will not resolve the total lack of drivers or the worn-out state of the vehicle fleet.

Situation in the occupied territories

In the temporarily occupied Starobilsk of the Luhansk region, Russian forces conducted raids in schools, during which they encouraged high school students to enlist in the Russian army.

In the occupied Makiivka of the Donetsk region, there is a severe shortage of doctors in hospitals, leaving residents without medical assistance.

Additionally, in the occupied areas of the Donetsk region, the Russian forces have intensified filtering among teenagers and children.