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Trainer identifies factors without which glutes won’t grow during workouts

Trainer identifies factors without which glutes won’t grow during workouts Trainer explains how to build glutes (photo: Freepik)

Sometimes people do squats and lunges endlessly without achieving results. Many place great hope in nutrition, specifically in protein. However, to make your glutes toned, several factors need to be considered, according to doctor and trainer Ulyana Verner.

Do you need to eat protein for glutes to grow

Not all proteins are the same. For muscle growth, a so-called complete protein is needed. High-quality protein means it contains all 9 essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own.

Sources of complete proteins include animal products such as beef, pork, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

The optimal amount of protein to consume during meals depends on personal body parameters and the type of physical activity or sport you are engaged in.

According to the expert, protein is important for muscle recovery and growth, but there are several other crucial factors without which glutes will not grow. Consider the following:

  • Training that includes neuromuscular connection (NMC) techniques
  • Proper technique in exercises
  • Consistency and progression in workouts
  • Working on hip joint mobility to perform exercises with a greater range of motion
  • A balanced diet with a focus on carbohydrates, as they provide the energy needed for training.

Mistakes that prevent glute growth

  1. Doing the wrong exercises
    To build glutes, people often rely on squats, lunges, and deadlifts. However, because these exercises involve knee extension, part of the load is shifted to the front of the thigh, which is responsible for these movements.

    To target the glute muscles specifically, you need to perform exercises where the hips extend under load while the knees remain in a fixed position.

  2. Insufficient muscle load
    If you're training with light dumbbells or no weights at all, you may need to perform around 20-30 repetitions per set to ensure adequate load. Therefore, it's important to gradually increase the weight to effectively challenge the muscles.

  3. Not allowing for recovery
    For muscles to grow, they need not only the load but also recovery. It's recommended to work on glutes no more than 2-3 times a week and focus on other muscle groups on the other days.

Earlier, we reported on whether it's possible to drink coffee while maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight.