Top 6 foods wrecking your cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being, and diet plays a significant role in preventing heart diseases. Cardiologists have identified several foods that can increase the risk of heart problems and recommend limiting or avoiding them altogether, Marca reports.
Trans fats
Trans fats raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels while lowering HDL ("good") cholesterol levels, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease. Examples include margarine, commercial baked goods (e.g., cookies and cakes), and fried foods.
Added sugars
High consumption of added sugar can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and elevated triglyceride levels – all of which are risk factors for heart disease.
Refined carbohydrates
These foods have a high glycemic index, causing spikes in blood sugar levels, which are linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Processed meat
Processed meats typically contain high levels of sodium and preservatives, contributing to high blood pressure and other heart-related problems.
Foods high in sodium
Excessive sodium intake can raise blood pressure, a key factor in heart disease. Examples include fast food, salty snacks, and canned soups.
Refined vegetable oils
These oils are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and, when consumed in excess without a proper balance of omega-3s, can promote inflammation.
We also wrote about 7 foods that cripple your bile every day.
You'll also be interested to know about four foods that cripple the pancreas.
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