Terrible loss for Ukraine: Russians kill prominent Ukrainian poet in war

The full-scale war that Russia unleashed against Ukraine almost two years ago claimed the life of military man and poet Maksym Kryvtsov. On January 6 he was communicating with his subscribers, and on January 7, his mother reported that he had died.
Sources used: Facebook pages of Maksym Kryvtsov, his mother Nadiia, and writers Tamara Horikha Zernia and Larysa Denysenko.
"My most precious son will sprout violets"
A comment from his mother appeared under Kryvtsov's last Facebook post, in which he invited his followers to read a fortune on a book. The woman said that her son had died.
A poet and a soldier are gone (screenshot)
Later, colleagues and friends spoke about Kryvtsov's death. Larysa Denysenko quoted the words of the mother and the poet and added: "RIP, gentle courageous soul. Dull heavy pain from this."
The writer spoke about the death of the soldier (screenshot)
Another writer published a poem by Kryvtsov and wrote that the poet's death is "another terrible loss for Ukraine and our literature."
"And in fifty years, the next so-called good Russians, the descendants of the current murderers, will ask us again "Where are your Nobel laureates?" she adds.
The writer's post about the poet (screenshot)
What is known about Maksym Kryvtsov
When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Kryvtsov volunteered. Before that, he was a photographer and wrote poetry. He then worked at the Center for Rehabilitation and Readaptation of Anti-Terroristic Operation and Joint Forces Operation Participants at the Veteran Hub. Almost two years ago, he returned to the front against the backdrop of a full-scale war.
In 2023, the poet turned 33. He managed to write many poems and published a collection of poems called Poems from the Loophole.