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Ten explosions rock Kharkiv: Supermarket ablaze, casualties reported

Ten explosions rock Kharkiv: Supermarket ablaze, casualties reported Photo: A series of explosions occurred in Kharkiv on September 1 (illustration/

Ten explosions rocked Kharkiv on September 1. A supermarket caught fire, and there were victims, including doctors, according to the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov and Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

“A series of explosions in Kharkiv!” Syniehubov wrote.

Just 5 minutes later, he reported repeated explosions in the city.

“Repeated explosions. The threat remains. Stay in shelters!” he added.

Local media have already counted nine explosions in Kharkiv. An air raid alert is currently in effect in the Kharkiv region. The military warned of a ballistic threat from the east and north.

Explosions and casualties

Later, Syniehubov said that the Russians had struck about 10 times in Kharkiv.

“There is damage to civilian infrastructure and casualties. The number is being clarified. There is a threat of repeated strikes!” he warned.

Supermarket on fire, doctors among injured

One of the strikes in Kharkiv hit a private residential area.

“Several yards and a supermarket are on fire. There are victims, including doctors,” Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov wrote.

Six injured, including a child

As of 1:40 p.m., there are six people injured in Kharkiv due to Russian shelling.

“At this moment, there are six wounded, including a 6-year-old child with an acute stress reaction,” Syniehubov wrote.

According to Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, a shopping center, a sports facility, and residential buildings were damaged in the city.

15 injured, including two doctors

Around 2 p.m. it became known that the number of people injured increased to 13.

“Among the wounded are two medics, a doctor is in serious condition,” said Syniehubov.

In just a few minutes, it was reported that 15 people were injured in Kharkiv.

“Nine wounded in the Saltivskyi district and six in the Nemyshlianskyi district. As of this minute, the total number is 15,” Terekhov said.

Number of victims continues to grow

At 2:15 p.m., Terekhov reported that there were 22 injured in the Saltivskyi district alone.

“Two of them are in serious condition,” he added.

In total, there are already 28 injured, including 6 injured in the Nemyshlianskyi district.

Shelling of Kharkiv and region

Around 11:30 a.m. (Kyiv time), Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov said that the Russians had attacked the city. Later it became known that the Russians had shelled a suburb of Kharkiv, the town of Liubotyn, located in the Kharkiv district. According to the CMA, the strike damaged an enterprise. Three people were injured - men aged 70 and 57, as well as a 59-year-old woman.

Also, around 9:00 a.m., Russians shelled Kupiansk in the Kharkiv region. The roof of a multi-story building, outbuildings, and garages were on fire. A man and a woman were injured.

Around 7:00 a.m., Russian troops attacked the Bohodukhiv district. Russia attacked the enterprise again, two men were wounded.

On August 31, Russians attacked a police car in Kupiansk with a drone, resulting in a death. Four people were injured in the shelling of Kharkiv on August 31.