ua en ru

Russian army drone strikes police vehicle in Kupiansk: One officer killed

Russian army drone strikes police vehicle in Kupiansk: One officer killed Photo: Russian army attacked a police car with a drone in Kupiansk (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

On August 31, the Russian forces attacked a police car with a drone in Kupiansk, Kharkiv region. Two officers were injured, and one was killed, according to the Kharkiv Regional Police.

"Around 7:30 p.m. in Kupiansk, a Russian FPV drone attacked a police vehicle carrying three officers," the report says.

All the officers sustained shrapnel injuries and were hospitalized.

"As a result of the enemy drone attack, police officer Oleksandr Popovych was killed," added the Regional Police.

Окупанти дроном атакували авто поліцейських у Куп'янську: є загиблий