Tarot horoscope for June 15: Taurus to be lucky on Saturday, while Geminis will deal with malicious intrigues

On June 15, not all zodiac signs will be lucky. This day will be intense but challenging.
Your Tango tells what Saturday will bring to each zodiac sign.
Aries: You drew the reversed card Seven of Wands. This Saturday, you shouldn't be lazy, or else the day will be spoiled. Stagnation and inertia will only attract problems, so don't stand still, do something useful.
Taurus: You drew the card Ten of Cups. You're very lucky; success will be on your side. Enjoy life and don't worry about whether everyone will approve of it.
Gemini: You drew the reversed card Two of Cups. Your relationship with a loved one may be at risk on Saturday. A foe will appear who will try to ruin everything; there will be plenty of malicious intrigues.
Cancer: You drew the card The Sun. Great success awaits you; you'll definitely catch your happiness. And in your case, this card really means that you'll find your place in the sun.
Leo: You drew the card Six of Wands. It's time to sum up, you need to analyze your victories and defeats in the past. Only then will you find the right path and be able to move forward.
Virgo: Your card for June 15 is the Knight of Wands. Overcome your fear of the unknown. On Saturday, you'll have to make quick decisions on which a lot depends. And you have a chance for success.
Libra: You drew the reversed card Temperance. Don't try to deceive yourself and everyone around you. Tame negativity, pride, and jealousy. If you don't overcome the darkness, it will consume you.
Scorpio: You drew the card Ace of Swords. Take control of all processes that determine your future. Become the blacksmith of your own happiness and don't rely on someone else to solve your problems.
Sagittarius: Your card for Saturday is the Nine of Cups. You'll be able to start a new phase of your life. It may involve your career, but there's also a chance that changes are brewing in your love life. And they will all be for the better.
Capricorn: You drew the card Six of Pentacles. Don't hesitate to invest your time and energy, both physically and materially, for people who ask for help. All the goodness will soon come back to you.
Aquarius: You drew the card Page of Swords. Be extremely cautious; someone is setting a trap for you. Pay attention to signs from above and don't lose vigilance.
Pisces: You drew the card Nine of Swords. Most likely, Saturday will be challenging for you to make decisions and clarify relationships with people. However, it's inevitable, so stay calm and try to deal with it all as quickly as possible.