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Tarot horoscope for June 13: Cancers to get rich, while Leos will make fatal mistake

Tarot horoscope for June 13: Cancers to get rich, while Leos will make fatal mistake What the tarot horoscope promises for Thursday (illustration:

On Thursday, June 13th, representatives of some zodiac signs should beware of misfortune. However, there are those for whom Tarot cards predict tremendous happiness.

Find out what Thursday will bring for each Zodiac sign, according to Your Tango.


You drew the Priestess card. Focus on the important things; you risk missing something crucial. Superficial events and activities that won't affect your success should be postponed to another day.


You drew the Seven of Swords card. Today, you'll have the opportunity to outsmart all enemies and expose liars. Tear off masks and don't be afraid to speak the truth.


You drew the reversed Fool card. Try not to be too cocky. Boasting and excessive self-confidence will only lead to scandals and problems. Listen to the advice of those around you.


You drew the Ace of Pentacles card. Think about increasing your income. Perhaps you'll receive a bonus today, but don't rush to spend it. Tarot cards advise being more economical.


You drew the Seven of Cups card. Listen to your intuition. You risk making a grand mistake that could lead you to rock bottom. Try not to let this happen.


You drew the Ace of Cups card. Don't fear adventures related to your personal life. Dive in headfirst and take the first step if you're tired of waiting for it from your significant other.


Your card for June 13 is the Seven of Wands. On Thursday, your cherished dream may come true. Welcome happiness into your life and enjoy a period of total luck.


You drew the Queen of Pentacles card. Someone close to you may have malicious intentions. Try to identify the enemy before they strike.


Your card for Thursday is the Five of Cups. Memories may visit you today. Longing for the past and regret over actions you did long ago won't help you find happiness. Let go of sorrow.


You drew the reversed Empress card. Think about whether you're really doing everything to achieve success. Create a new plan and learn from mistakes to avoid them in the future.


You drew the Knight of Wands card. Misunderstandings may arise at work. If you're unhappy with your career, it's time to make a change.


You drew the World card. This means that on Thursday, you may receive a reward from destiny. Get ready for surprises and enjoy the results of your hard work.

Earlier, we mentioned that significant changes are on the horizon for three zodiac signs.

Also, it has recently been revealed which zodiac signs will hear wonderful news.