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Tarot horoscope for July 6: Aquarians will start new life, while Aries will encounter scandal

Tarot horoscope for July 6: Aquarians will start new life, while Aries will encounter scandal What the Tarot horoscope promises for Saturday (illustration:

On Saturday, July 6th, it will be a challenging day for Pisces and Scorpios. Aquarius, on the other hand, will have a stroke of good luck.

Your Tango tells what the Tarot horoscope promises for each zodiac sign on July 6th.


You drew the card Moderation. Try to find a balance between work and personal life. If you don't, a terrible argument awaits you.


You drew the card Nine of Cups. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Don't bend under the weight of someone else's opinion that you really don't like.


Your card for July 6th is the Eight of Pentacles. You have a special day ahead, offering you the opportunity to achieve what you desire. Don't sit idle; start taking action.


You drew the card Four of Cups. Someone may try to force you to do something you don't want to do. It's time to stand up for yourself.


You drew the reversed card Ace of Swords. Take stock of your current situation. Perhaps taking a step back and making corrections will bring about significant changes.


Your card for July 6th is the Five of Wands. You'll face a tough choice. Make it confidently; no one can help you, but don't worry, you won't make a mistake.


Your card for Saturday is the Knight of Wands. Pay attention to the people around you. Among them is someone who wants to tell you something very important but may not dare to.


You drew the Fool card. Learn to forgive mistakes, both yours and those of your friends. Be more patient; it's not worth escalating every issue to a critical point.


You drew the Hanged Man card. It's time for serious changes. Think about what you want from life. Most likely, you should try something new.


Your card for July 6th is the Hermit. Show wisdom; this day will bring you a lot of happiness if you refrain from rash decisions. Dedicate your weekend not only to important matters but also make sure to find time to relax.


You drew the Star card. It will be an unforgettable day. You'll free yourself from problems and start a new life. This will certainly bring a lot of happiness.


You drew the reversed Ace of Wands. You might feel disheartened. The routine tires you, but everything can be fixed. Start doing what you enjoy.