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Tarot horoscope for August 14 for all zodiac signs: Who will have great day

Tarot horoscope for August 14 for all zodiac signs: Who will have great day Tarot horoscope for Wednesday (illustration: Getty Images)

On Wednesday, August 14, Taurus should exercise caution, Sagittarius may face criticism, and Aries will decide to make changes.

What the Tarot horoscope predicts for all zodiac signs on Wednesday is detailed by Your Tango.

You drew the reversed Ten of Wands card. Don't be afraid to change your mind. There’s a lot you need to reassess, and it's perfectly fine to set new goals for yourself.

Your card for August 14 is the King of Swords. This means you might be surprised on Wednesday. Some events could be strange or even mystical.

You drew the King of Cups card. On this day, you may make a mistake and lose your footing. Try to stay alert and not miss your chance for success.

You drew the reversed Seven of Cups card. Indecision could be very harmful to you. On Wednesday, you should gather your courage and take a bold step towards something interesting.

You drew the reversed Tower card. At some point, it may feel like chaos has engulfed everything. However, this is not the case—you will be able to handle things and restore order, so start taking action.

Your card for Wednesday is the Chariot. The day will be successful. Dedicate it to resolving important issues; you will be able to resolve any conflicts.

You drew the Eight of Cups card. Don’t be afraid to refuse offers that seem doubtful or simply don’t appeal to you. Someone might be trying to entangle you in a web of intrigue and deceit.

Your card for August 14 is the Sun. Pamper your inner child. Remember what used to bring you joy and start a new, very happy chapter in your life.

You drew the Queen of Wands card. Someone might try to criticize you. Don’t listen to those who want to provoke you. Rise above it.

Your card for Wednesday is the Nine of Wands. You will be able to anticipate events and avoid a critical mistake. Your ability to plan and strategize will be very helpful.

You drew the Queen of Cups card. Don’t focus only on yourself. Listen to the thoughts of those around you. Learn to enjoy not only your own success.

Your card for August 14 is Temperance. Don’t take on too many tasks. You need to find a balance between work and rest, and also dedicate time to your personal life.

Additionally, we discussed which zodiac signs will experience new beginnings.