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Türkiye plans to buy 40 Eurofighter Typhoon jets - Reuters

Türkiye plans to buy 40 Eurofighter Typhoon jets - Reuters Photo: Eurofighter Typhoon (GettyImagеs)

Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Gular has announced that Türkiye is in talks with the United Kingdom and Spain regarding the purchase of 40 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets, writes Reuters.

According to Gular, the countries are working on the procurement of fighter jets.

"We are working on procurement. Now the UK and Spain are making efforts to convince Germany, (though) we are not in talks with Germany... If possible, we plan to purchase 40 Eurofighter Typhoon jets," he said.

It is worth noting that today there was information in the media that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is unlikely to agree to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's request to buy Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets.

According to anonymous sources, Erdogan may ask the chancellor to lift the ban on the sale of fighter jets during their meeting in Berlin on November 17.

About Eurofighter

The Eurofighter Typhoon is a twin-engine multirole fighter of the fourth generation. Its design allows for significantly increased maneuverability at large attack angles and during supersonic flight.

Such aircraft can deploy Paveway IV and EGBU-16 bombs. This precision-guided munition has a satellite guidance channel in addition to laser guidance. It also has the capability to strike multiple ground targets in a single mission with precision-guided bombs.

It is worth noting that in the spring, there were proposals in the UK Parliament to supply Typhoon aircraft to NATO countries that agreed to transfer their planes to Ukraine.