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Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car

Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike (photo: Getty Images)

A Russian drone attacked a civilian car in Kozacha Lopan, Kharkiv region. Supreme Court judge was killed in the attack, reports the Kharkiv regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to law enforcement, today, on September 28, an enemy FPV drone hit a civilian Mitsubishi Lancer in the village of Kozacha Lopan, Dergachiv district. The 61-year-old driver was killed on the spot. The victim of the cynical attack was a Supreme Court judge who was delivering humanitarian aid to residents.

According to a source of RBC-Ukraine, the deceased judge is Leonid Loboyko.
Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car

Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car

Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car

Supreme Court judge killed in Kharkiv region by FPV drone strike on car

Three women are also known to be wounded. According to preliminary data, they were also in the car. They were hospitalized.

“More detailed information will be provided after establishing all the details of another crime of the Russian army,” the prosecutor's office emphasized.

Law enforcement officials noted that prosecutors and police investigators are taking all possible and appropriate measures to document war crimes committed by the Russian military.

Strikes on Ukraine on September 28

Last night, the Russian military attacked Ukrainian cities again. In particular, the energy sector, a recreation center, and a medical facility were hit.

The Russians attacked a medical facility in Sumy. Everything that is currently known about the double attack on the medical facility can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.

At the same time, we have prepared a separate material in which we have collected everything about the consequences of the night shelling of Ukraine.