Super cheap food that burns fat and lowers blood sugar levels

A new study shows that a popular product rich in fiber and potassium can help reduce waist size and lower blood sugar levels, according to the National Library of Medicine.
What you need to know about comfortable weight loss
When it comes to losing weight, many diets assure you to avoid consuming a lot of carbohydrates. This is explained by the idea that a low-carb diet aims to force the body to burn stored fat for energy.
However, carbohydrates are an important part of a balanced diet necessary for energy. It is recommended to consume about 275 grams of carbohydrates per day.
A new study has shown that eating foods high in carbohydrates can actually aid in weight loss and lower blood sugar levels.
In particular, new scientific research indicates that potatoes, especially when baked, can be an ideal food for people with type 2 diabetes.
What the study showed
Most people associate potatoes with being mostly fried or high in fat, but properly prepared potatoes can be functional and healthy.
In a study published in the National Library of Medicine, 50 participants with type 2 diabetes ate either 100 grams of boiled white potatoes or 75 grams of boiled long-grain white rice daily for 12 weeks.
It was found that people who included a daily serving of potatoes in their diet experienced a moderate reduction in fasting blood glucose levels, improved body composition, reduced waist circumference, and even a decrease in resting heart rate.
The potato skin is one of the key factors contributing to its health benefits, as it is rich in fiber known as resistant starch, which is known to improve blood sugar levels, blood fat levels, and help you feel fuller for longer.
Potatoes are also a rich source of potassium, a mineral crucial for heart health and regulating blood pressure.
However, it’s important to note that the method of preparation matters when it comes to potatoes. Participants in the study ate baked potatoes, not fried or French fries.
Remember, moderation is key to good health.
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Scientists have identified a product that can protect against depression if consumed three times a day.
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