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Fruit that protects from depression if consumed regularly

Fruit that protects from depression if consumed regularly Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Researchers claim that high levels of micronutrients such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inhibit inflammation, according to the Daily Express.

According to new research, consuming a large amount of fruit reduces the risk of depression in later life.

A 20-year study involving over 13,000 participants showed that higher fruit consumption, including oranges, tangerines, and bananas, was associated with a lower likelihood of depression symptoms in old age.

Scientists say that consuming about three servings of fruit daily in middle age reduces the likelihood of age-related depression by at least 21% compared to consuming one or fewer servings of fruit per day.

Doctors worldwide have noted an increase in the prevalence of depression symptoms among the elderly, including depressive feelings, lack of enjoyment, and delayed cognitive processing, often accompanied by loss of appetite, insomnia, poor concentration, and increased fatigue.

Medical professionals say this is linked to underlying neurodegenerative changes in the brain associated with aging.

The drive to maintain the health of the elderly has spurred extensive research into approaches that could prevent depression later in life.

Accumulating evidence has revealed a probable role of dietary factors in protecting against depression during aging. In a new study conducted by the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, 13,738 participants of the Singapore Chinese Health Study, which tracked participants from middle to late life for about 20 years, were involved.

The research team found that participants who consumed more fruit in early life showed a lower likelihood of developing depression symptoms later in life.

Researchers examined a total of 14 fruits commonly eaten in Singapore and found that the consumption of most fruits, including oranges, tangerines, bananas, papayas, watermelons, apples, and melons, was associated with a reduced likelihood of depression.

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