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Russian Sudzha under Ukrainian control: Updated combat map of Kursk region

Russian Sudzha under Ukrainian control: Updated combat map of Kursk region Illustrative photo: The Ukrainian armed forces have taken control of a number of settlements in the Kursk region (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian defenders have taken control of the town of Sudzha in the Kursk region of Russia. Their successes have also been recorded in several other settlements, according to the DeepState map.

According to the map, Ukrainian defenders now control:

  • Sudzha;
  • Lyubimovka;
  • Goncharovka;
  • Lebedevka;
  • Zaoleshenka;
  • Kurilovka;
  • Plekhovo.

Russian Sudzha under Ukrainian control: Updated combat map of Kursk regionPhoto: map of hostilities in the Kursk region (DeepState map)

The purpose of this operation, as stated by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is not to seize Russian territories, but to protect Ukrainians.


On Monday, 12 August, Ukraine first acknowledged that it was conducting an operation in the Kursk region. As part of it, an area of about a thousand square kilometers was taken under control.

Yesterday, on 13 August, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said that Ukrainian defenders had taken control of 74 settlements in the Kursk region.

Today, however, the Ukrainian general noted that the search for and destruction of Russian troops in the town of Sudzha had been completed.

Read more about the situation in the Kursk region in RBC-Ukraine's article.