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Strike on Chernihiv, August 19: Investigation underway on drama theater incident

Strike on Chernihiv, August 19: Investigation underway on drama theater incident Strike on Chernihiv on August 19: Investigation underway regarding drama theater exhibition (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

At the Chernihiv Drama Theater, where a Russian missile struck yesterday, there was not a drone exhibition, but a closed event. Investigators are determining the circumstances of the incident, as the Head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration Viacheslav Chaus says to Ukrainian TV.

"The organizers approached us with a letter stating that they would hold a closed meeting for business representatives and volunteers. They asked us to provide public order security and medical duty. This event did not involve the attendance of spectators. Currently, investigative actions are ongoing on this matter; investigators will establish all the details," he explained.

According to his information, there were no external visitors at the Chernihiv Drama Theater at the moment of the strike, but the investigation needed to confirm this.

"The air raid alarm sounded, and the organizers and participants took shelter and remained there until the end of the air raid. In other words, they were in the shelter when the theater was hit by a missile. Among the participants, there are very few casualties. Most of the casualties are individuals who were passing by or going in vehicles nearby," Chaus added.

Rocket strike on the center of Chernihiv

Yesterday, on August 19, powerful explosions occurred in Chernihiv during an air raid alarm. Local authorities confirmed that the occupiers struck the city center with an Iskander missile. The location hit by the missile was very crowded.

As a result of the attack, the drama theater, square, courthouse, Regional State Administration building, shops, and other public facilities were damaged. 148 people were affected, including 7 fatalities.

At the time of the strike, a drone exhibition was taking place at the drama theater, which had been announced in advance. The organizers stated that they had obtained approval for the event from the authorities.

For all the details about this cynical Russian attack, read the report on RBC-Ukraine.