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Strike on ammunition depot in Voronezh region: Media released satellite image

Strike on ammunition depot in Voronezh region: Media released satellite image Illustrative photo: Ukrainian intelligence operatives hit an ammunition warehouse in the Voronezh region (

Ukrainian intelligence operatives today, June 25, struck an ammunition depot in the Voronezh region, Russia. A satellite image has appeared, according to Krym.Realii on Telegram.

In the satellite image a fire at the ammunition depot in Olkhovatka, Voronezh region, can be seen. The photo shows at least two focal points of the fire.

Удар по складу боєприпасів у Воронезькій області: ЗМІ показали супутниковий знімок

Journalists point out that this corresponds to information from local residents, who reported an attack by two drones on the night of Tuesday.

The Russians had equipped the depot on the site of a former farm.

It is worth noting that the detonation in the Olkhovatka district was confirmed by the governor of the Voronezh region, Alexander Gusev. He mentioned that an emergency regime was introduced there.

What preceded

Earlier today, on the morning of June 25, the Defense Intelligence announced the strike on the ammunition depot in the Voronezh region and released a corresponding video.

The total area of the depot is 3,500 square meters. The intelligence operatives noted that the strike resulted in a fire and detonation.