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Stoltenberg hopes for Ukraine's NATO membership within next 10 years

Stoltenberg hopes for Ukraine's NATO membership within next 10 years Photo: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed hope for Ukraine's membership in the North Atlantic Alliance in the next 10 years, according to DW.

In particular, Stoltenberg emphasizes the need to increase military assistance to Kyiv on the eve of the NATO summit in Washington, which will be held on July 9-11.

He emphasizes that the stronger this support is, the sooner the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine can end.

According to the NATO Secretary General, Russian dictator Putin is implementing a strategy of stalling in Ukraine, hoping to weaken the West's resolve.

The NATO Secretary General says that Putin believed he could outlast them, but NATO countries must convince him that he could not, which would create the conditions for ending the war.

NATO summit in Washington

The issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO will be one of the central issues at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington. According to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the leaders of NATO member states intend to discuss a roadmap for Ukraine's accession to the organization.

Reuters insiders report that during the summit, Ukraine may receive positive news about the transfer of air defense systems.

According to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Douglas Jones, during the NATO summit, Ukraine will be offered concrete ways to accelerate its future membership in NATO.

Read more about Ukraine's expectations from the summit in RBC-Ukraine's article.