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Spokesperson of Ukrainian Air Force reveals reason for training only 8 pilots on F-16s

Spokesperson of Ukrainian Air Force reveals reason for training only 8 pilots on F-16s Ukrainian pilots to fly for training on F-16 (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Eight pilots who will undergo training in operating American aircraft are part of the first group of individuals participating in the training program, according to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yurii Ihnat.

According to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yurii Ihnat, this concerns the first group of individuals, and others will follow. It's possible that pilots will be "dispersed" to different countries for training.

He also noted that knowledge of the English language was necessary for undergoing the training, a skill not possessed by all Ukrainian pilots.

Training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16

The allied countries have made a decision to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets. This occurred after the initiative was approved by US President Joe Biden.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that the training of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel on American F-16 fighter jets would begin in August.

As Politico reports, the first group of Ukrainian pilots to participate in training on American F-16 fighter jets has already been selected.

According to the article, 8 Ukrainian pilots who are proficient in English are ready to start training on F-16 fighter jets.

One of the sources of the publication also mentioned that in August, 20 pilots who have a basic understanding of English may begin language courses in the United Kingdom.