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Special attention to defenders of Azovstal: Intelligence chief names priority for prisoner exchanges

Special attention to defenders of Azovstal: Intelligence chief names priority for prisoner exchanges Photo: Head of the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense Kyrylo Budanov (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The priority in future prisoner exchanges with Russia will be heavily injured individuals, women, and all those who defended Azovstal, states the head of Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov.

According to Budanov, the appropriate actions and principles for the prisoner exchange headquarters have been agreed upon. Specifically, Ukraine will now focus on returning all heavily injured and seriously ill individuals, women, and those who have been in captivity for an extended period.

"The longer someone has been in captivity, the more effort we will put into bringing that person back," said the head of Defence Intelligence.

Special attention will also be given to those who defended Azovstal and ended up in captivity.

"We pay special attention to the return of everyone who was there," noted Budanov.

In addition, Ukraine will make efforts to return all other civilian captives, whether they have been in captivity since the beginning of the large-scale invasion or even earlier.

"And we will not forget about Crimean Tatars and other groups that also receive our attention. Such decisions were made today and will be implemented," emphasized Budanov.

Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region

Since August 6, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been conducting a special operation in the Kursk region of Russia. According to media reports, during the clearing of settlements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces captured nearly 2,000 Russian soldiers.

Specifically, it was reported today that SSU operatives captured over 100 Russian soldiers in the Kursk region. It turned out that among those captured were soldiers from the Kadyrov's Akhmat unit.

It is also known that yesterday Ukrainian defenders managed to capture another 100 Russian soldiers.

Interestingly, according to Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets, he has spoken with his Russian counterpart, Tatyana Moskalkova, about the prisoner exchange in light of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region. This dialogue was initiated by the Russian side for the first time.